Student Email
Main Phone Number: 415-452-5355 OR Email:
You may call 415-452-5355 or review the website at
Monday through Thursday 9:00 am-12:00 pm and 1:00 pm-5:00 pm (doors close at 4:30). The office is closed Fridays.
HARTS stand for Homeless At-Risk Transitional Students (HARTS). The HARTS program serves students who are experiencing housing insecurity. For those who qualify, the program provides...
Priority Registration. Academic Advisement/Counseling. Meal Vouchers and Snacks (offered in spring and fall semesters). Supplemental Textbook Assistance (offered in spring and fall semesters). Discounted Monthly...
Orientations are conducted individually and scheduled once the Program Manager has contacted the applicant. The application can also be found at:
The HARTS program is located in Student Union Room B (bottom of the building) at the Ocean Campus, at 50 Frida Kahlo Way, San Francisco,...